Minnesota Beekeeping!
Our Youngest helping with a hive inspection!
In addition to Siena Soap Company, our family began an additional venture this past year. As many of you know we have become Minnesota Beekeepers. We began the adventure this Spring with hiving 2 packages of Minnesota Hygienic Honey bees.
The arrival of 2 - 3 lb. packages of Minnesota Hygenic Honey bees the end of April was exciting and shocking at the same time. There were so many bees! Not knowing what to expect, we nervously hived them the day before Easter. We suffered a cold, wet spring not helping our early endeavors much. As the hot humid days of summer rolled in we began to have many interesting experiences as 1st year novices. One of our hives went queenless the first part of July. The other hive exploded with bees and decided to swarm the end of July. Luckily, we recaptured the swarm cell, and the other hive did requeen themselves. Our bees are doing great in spite of our first year jitters, inexperience, and clumsy beekeeping.
As we build our hives we expect to use all the products of of our hives including the honey, beeswax, and propolis in our Siena Soap Company's all natural skin care products. Next summer we will also be able to offer raw, fresh wildflower honey, possibly beeswax candles, and propolis products.
We will keep you updated on our progress in this new and mesmerizing world of honey bees. Join us in our journey!
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