Our HoneyBees collecting Pollen from late Fall Roses
Our honeybees are working like crazy trying to prepare for the long, cold winter ahead. The bees know! So do we at Siena Soap Company. We have begun preparing for the late Fall and Winter sales and shows that will soon be upon us. We, like the bees know that this is the time of year that we really need to be well prepared. This is absolutely the beginning of our busiest time of year and we love it!
Please keep checking for the introduction of our special limited edition fall and winter soap that we are already beginning to handcraft. Most special edition products for the upcoming winter season will be available the middle of October.
To keep your lips smooth and moisturized with the changing of the seasons, we are offering LIP BALM as our monthly special.
2.50 each
Stock up NOW!
Sale ends October 15th, 2011
Check out our specials at:
"Experience the Difference!"