All Natural Relief!
There are many commercial muscle soothers on the market made with petroleum additives and other problematic ingredients. Well do we ever have a new mucsclesooooother for you! At Siena Soap Company we have developed a new Muscle Rub that competes with icy hot or any other commercially prepared rub on the market.
We have come up with an amazingly effective combination of herbs that we gently infused in Olive Oil. Next, we added Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, and Jojoba Oil. The main herb used in our Muscle Rub herbal infusion includes Arnica. Arnica has been reported to help alleviate muscle pain and inflammation due to heavy physical training or injury, rheumatism, tendonitis, and arthritis.
For the temporary all natural relief of any joint or muscle pain apply Siena Soap Company's new Muscle Rub all over the affected area. The product feels smooth as it is rubbed in. Within minutes you will feel deep relief. All of our testers have been raving over this soothing new product.
Get the natural relief of our new Muscle Rub
at a special introductory price:
Prices good through May 31st, 2009
To read more about all our all natural products or to order go to: