Siena Soap Company Annual Spring Boutique and Online Sale!
Come one - Come All!
Food, Fun, Friends and Shopping
Just in Time for Mother's Day!
When: Friday May 1st, 5 - 9 PM, Saturday and Sunday May 2nd and 3rd, 11 AM - 4 PM
Where: 125 154th Ave. NW , Andover, MN 55304 (My neighbor's Home)
What: Original Sterling Jewelry, Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, and Siena Soap Company!
Come see our NEW products, test our NEW soap scents, and best of all SAVE with our HUGE SALE!
OUT of TOWN customers and those who are unable to come we have an ONLINE SALE for you, too!
Save 20% on all products online
Use Code: siena20
Sale ends midnight Sunday May 3rd, 2009
Place your order online at:
or email us at: